“Is that what we look like to them, just a little flickering light in the middle of nowhere? Perhaps.” 这里是我的家 一片风沙不息的蛮荒之地 鬼影儿 恶魔传教士 奥多芙的神秘 惹人嫉妒的乌发少妇 这一切是真实亦或只是我的心被这恼人的妖风(胎死腹中)摧残得神志不清/三段经典对白引文/3星半
他有一双一直望向月球的眼睛,we need to fail here so that we don't fail up there. 尽管it’s a political rush job. We choose to go to the moon, we choose to go to the moon, not because it's easy, but because it's hard. 丢下女儿手链的那一刻,他是不是也留在月球了
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